Acquisitions récentes de la bibliothèque de l'Antenne 110


La bibliothèque de l'Antenne 110 rassemble des ouvrages qui nous servent d'orientation au niveau de la pratique clinique et d'autres ouvrages qui sont lus dans une perspective d'information.


Revue: , Quel plan Autisme?(revue : Le Forum des Psychanalystes, n°04), 2014 - 06.


Livre: LeGoff D B, De La Cuesta G G, Krauss G W, Baron-Cohen S, LEGO -Based Therapy, 2014.


Livre: Ghessy P, Williams W, Carr E, Autism: Behavior-Analytic Perspectives, 2011.


Article: Falissard B, Autisme et génétique: je t’aime, moi non plus, 2014.,

Publié dans "Le monde - Science & médecine", n°21572, Mercredi 28/05/2014, page 8



Conférence: Maleval J-C, Un avis qui cherche à clore la science de l’autisme, 2014.,

Rédigé dans le cadre du Forum Autisme du 10 mai à Bruxelles



Article: Dufek S, Schreibman L, Natural environment training, 2014.,

Publié dans l'ouvrage collectif "Handbook of Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders" (édité par Tarbox J., Dixon D., Sturmey P., MAtston J.), Springer



Article: Charlop-Christy M, LeBlanc L, Carpenter M, Naturalistic Teaching Strategies (NATS) to teach speech to children with autism: Historical perspective, development, and current practice, 1999.,

Publié dans la revue "The California School Psychologist, 4(1), pp 30-46



Article: Dionisi J-P, Le programme TEACCH : des principes à la pratique, 2013.,

Publié dans la revue :"Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 61(4), 236–242



Article: Schopler E, Mesibov G, Hearsey K, Structured teaching in the TEACCH System, 1995.,

Publié dans l'ouvrage collectif "Learning and Cognition in Autism"



Livre: Mesibov G, Shea V, Schopler E, The TEACCH approach to autism spectrum disorders, 2004.


Article: Strain P, Hoyson M, The Need for Longitudinal, Intensive Social Skill Intervention - LEAP Follow-Up Outcomes for Children with Autism, 2000.,

Publié dans la revue "Topics in Early Childhood Special Education", n° 20: 116



Livre: Barnett k, L'étincelle , 2013.


Livre: Schovanec J, Je suis à l'est!, 2013.


Article: Vivanti G, Dissanayake C, Zierhut C, Rogers S, Predictors of outcomes in the early start denver model delivered in a group setting, 2013.,

Publié dans la revue "J Autism Dev Disord", 43:1717–1724.



Article: Kent D, Hayward R, When averages hide individual differences in clinical trials - Analyzing the results of clinical trials to expose individual patients' risks might help doctors make better treatment decisions, 2007.,

Publié dans la revue : "Amercian Scientist", January-February 2007, Volume 95, Number 1, pp.60-68



Livre: Rogé B, Barthélémy C, Magerotte G, Améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes autistes, 2008.


Livre: Barthélémy C, Hameury L, Lelord G, L'Autisme de l'enfant, 1995.


Article: Prizant B, Wetherby A, Rubin E, The SCERTS model: a transactional, family-centered approach to enhancing communication and socioemotional abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder, 2003.,

Publié dans la revue "Infants and Young Children", Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 296–316.



Article: Cook J, Rapp J, Effects of verbal reprimands on targeted and untargeted stereotypy, 2014.,

Publié dans la revue "Behavioral Interventions". DOI: 10.1002/bin.1378



Article: Prizant B, Wetherby A, Understanding the continuum of discrete-trial traditional behavioral to social-pragmatic developmental approaches in communication enhancement for young children with autism, 1998.,

Publié dans la revue "Seminars in speech and language, 19(4)



Article: Vismara L, Lyons G, Using perseverative interests to elicit joint attention behaviors in young children with autism : theoretical and clinical implications for understanding motivation, 2007.,

Publié dans la revue "Journal of positive behavior interventions", 9(4)



Article: Koegel L, Singh A, Koegel R, Improving motivation for academics in children with autism, 2010.,

Publié dans la revue "Journal of autism developmental disorder, 40



Livre: Maurice C, Green G, Luce S, Behavioral intervention for young children with autism, 1996.


Article: Strauss K, Esposito M, Polidori G, Vicari S, Valeri G, Fava L, Facilitating play, peer engagement and social functioning in a peer group of young autistic children: Comparing highly structured and more flexible behavioral approaches, 2014.,

Publié dans la revue "Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders", 8, 413–423



Article: Koegel R, Koegel L, Carter C, Pivotal teaching interactions for children with autism, 1999.,

Publié dans la revue "School psychology review", 28(4), pp. 576-594



Article: Koegel R, Koegel L, McNerney E, Pivotal areas in intervention for autism, 2001.,

Publié dans la revue "Journal of clinical child psychology", 30(1), pp.19-32



Article: Kern L, Mantegna M, Vorndran C, Bailin D, Hilt A, Choice of task sequence to reduce problem behaviors, 2001.,

Publié dans la revue "Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions", 3(3)



Article: Schreibman L, Whalen C, Stahmer A, The use of video priming to reduce disruptive transition behavior in children with autism, 2000.,

Publié dans la revue "Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions", 2(3)



Livre: Rogers S, Dawson G, Vismara L, An Early Start For Your Child with Autism, 2012.


Livre: Greenspan S, Wieder S, Engaging Autism, 2009.
